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AED /month (for 3 months)
Or AED 1250 upfront
*The displayed price is for the base offer; for upgraded options prices may vary (e.g., premium sheer, wavy curtains, automation). Book a visit to have your custom quotation!
Why Kurtains ?
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How to choose your curtains?
To choose your curtains, simply pick:
- Your style: based on the amount of sunlight you want streaming in, and the mood you want in your room, you can simply pick one of our 4 pre-curated styles (see below)
- Your fabrics: sheer, velvet, linen, etc. Keep in mind that the color of your curtain should ideally be in sync with the rest of the furnishings
That’s it
Book a visit, our technician will show you the different styles and fabrics.
Let him know your choices and your curtains will be ready in a maximum of 5 working days.
What are the different curtains styles?
What are the different fabrics?

Sheer fabric is made using thin thread, resulting in a semi-transparent and light-softening fabric.

Velvet is a soft, luxurious fabric, characterized by a dense pile of fibers, providing a very smooth texture.

Linen fabrics offer a heavier feel due to the intricate woven structure of the fabric, providing a more natural look.